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There are many ways you can help us... and not all of them involve money.

Here are some ideas.

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With your Ideas

Yup, it might look like we know everything is there to know about trivia, but we run of ideas from time to time, so if you have ideas for topics, questions or ways to improve your favorite game in town, we will be very happy to get in touch! Contact us

With your Business

Want to advertise your business? we can help you get in front of an audience through our Free Collaboration program and our Paid Sponsorships.
Reach out, tell us your idea and let's help each other grow.
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With a Coffee

We spend tens of hours every week working to present the most entertaining and interesting questions, but we want this game to be available for anyone who wants to play, so participating is and will always be free, but hey, if you have extra cash or bitcoin and want to get us a coffee, we would really appreciate it!
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